Legal Services
- Careless Driving
- Court Imposed Penalties for DUI & DWI
- No Car Insurance
- Penalties and Fines
- Points and Surcharges
- Reckless Driving
- Restoring your License Speeding
- Tickets
- Suspended License
- What to Do When Stopped for a Traffic Violation?
- What to do when your License Suspended?
- Can a lawyer beat your traffic ticket?

Best Traffic Tickets Attorneys In New Jersey

The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) uses a point system for moving violations. MVC penalizes drivers by adding points to their driving record for certain moving violations. These points are then used by insurance companies to charge drivers higher rates. Having our firm fights your tickets will keep your license clean and insurance rates down.
You can get 2 points for careless driving and up to 5 points for reckless driving. Get expert help fighting your traffic tickets with The Stabile Law Firm. Our firm has experience dealing with a variety of violations that include failing to stop for a traffic control device, destruction of property, slow speed blocking traffic, and careless driving. Improper turning or illegal U-turn you can get 3 a point ticket, and speeding or racing on the highway can lead you to get 5 a point ticket in New Jersey.
How do points affect you?
Getting points always make your insurance rates go up. You should immediately contact the Stabile Law Firm after receiving a ticket.
If you get more than 12 points on your driving record, your license will be suspended by motor vehicle commissions.
If you get six or more points in three years on your driving record, you will be accessed a surcharge. Surcharges are fines accessed by New Jersey Surcharge Violation System (NJSVS).
In order to fight your traffic tickets you need to the help of the Best traffic tickets attorneys. Don’t risk points on your license! Discover how The Stabile Law Firm can reduce or eliminate the points associated with a moving violation. The attorneys at the Stabile Law Firm are experienced in defending traffic tickets and can often get them dismissed or significantly reduce or eliminate the points that go along with the various traffic violations. We have represented clients in more than 250,000 traffic ticket cases and have more than 100 years of combined experience in handling such cases.